Super Slim Down Cleanse

Curated with our most metabolism boosting elixirs. If you're looking to support fat burn & weight loss, you've came to the right place. You'll experience a multitude of flavors from sweet, earthy, citrus, & spicy.


$ 50.0
  • A Digestive Break - Replenishing your body with just juices can help you take a note of your patterns and help rejuvenate your body

  • A Nutrient Flood - Rich in antioxidants and 100% plant-based, feel your best getting the nutrients you need.

Supportive Benefits: Fat Burn, Weight Loss, Metabolism Boost, Boost in Vitamin + Mineral Intake

Basic Instructions:
- (6) Raw Elixirs A Day
- Drink your Raw Elixirs every two hours in the following order:

1. Pure Celery

2. Healing Hulk

3. Detox Lemonade

4. Blue Dream

5. Super Verde

6. Ginger Lemoncane

*Remember to hydrate with water